Joining in the Craze

One of the newest forms of internet marketing to appear in the wild is the use of social networks to sell products. Internet marketing is no new feat, but the advent of social networks such as Twitter, Facebook and MySpace has brought about a new age for the internet marketer.

Why start - Given that relatively speaking, social networking technologies are still quite young, there is no better time to start getting involved in pioneering social marketing. It is a highly effective method of building lists, promoting products and even making friends online, and many of the webs best marketers have jumped on to the social marketing train already.

Opportunity - It is the easiest way to find groups of people that fit specific criteria. After all, you can search by age, gender sexuality and location which essentially means you really can 'niche market' in this new opportunity.

Just do it - Many people are still neglecting the whole social marketing revolution so it really is time to start taking advantage of the craze before too many people get involved. Social marketing really is the easiest form of online marketing, because you can search for the ideal customer.

Drawback - Perhaps one of the main drawbacks is that it can be hard to draw people into sales funnel. But, the secret of using social networks is not for the hard and fast sale, but to slowly build contacts that will eventually click through to your site and join your list.

The internet marketing applications for social marketing are absolutely huge! Many people are already experiencing profit purely from this strategy, and the great thing is that most of them are 100% free.

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